Information Technology

IT Based Learning

Beaumont fully embraces the use of using today’s technology to enhance education both as a teaching tool and as a learning device. Technology is also used to allow greater class room interaction from learners.
As you would expect, all classrooms have full internet and intranet access, data-projectors and a “class” dedicated Wi-Fi hot-spot!
The Educators have defined the IT Based Learning to be intuitive and progressive, all IT based learning at Beaumont are structured around the school curriculum.

The Aim of IT based Learning

•The main aim of IT based learning at Beaumont is to teach students to use IT as a tool

•Secondly to teach IT methods, techniques and skills


IT Based Lessons:

•The lessons are structured and it has clear aims of what skills need to be taught in each grade and for each term

•The lessons are progressive. Each lesson (project) builds on the lessons already taught and it expands the students’ knowledge and skills.

•The lessons are measurable. The skills learnt are quantifiable and tested.