Intersen Phase
A school is a building that has four walls with tomorrow inside.- Lon Watters
At Beaumont it is our vision to provide a stimulating, inclusive learning environment where all children are nurtured in the development of their intellectual, cultural and physical potential, within a sound value system.
Therefore it is our mission to:
- offer a well-balanced and effective teaching programme by staying abreast of, and initiating developments in education;
- maintain our excellent academic standards within the framework of acceptable class sizes;
- teach children to deal with both their successes and failures.
Our end vision is that by becoming critical and creative team players we will be able to participate in society as responsible citizens.
By Beaumont is dit ons visie om ‘n stimulerende, inklusiewe leeromgewing daar te stel waar kinders hul intellektuele, kulturele en fisiese potensiaal binne die raamwerk van ‘n gesonde waardesisteem kan ontwikkel.
Daarom is dit ons missie om:
- ‘n goed gebalanseerde en doeltreffende onderrigprogram te bied deur op hoogte te bly en die inisiatief te neem met ontwikkelinge in onderwys;
- ons uitstekende akademiese standaarde te handhaaf en verder uit te bou binne die raamwerk van aanvaarbare klasgroottes;
- kinders te leer hoe om hul suksesse en mislukkings te verwerk.
Ons eind-doelstelling is dat ons leerders uiteindelik verantwoordelike spanspelers sal wees wat in staat sal wees om krities en kreatief tot die samelewing by te dra.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learnt at school – Albert Einstein
“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Our teachers model positive values while they are presenting the lessons to our learners. A positive learning environment based on values-driven education frees up substantial teaching and learning time as every learner know what is expected and reacts accordingly in class.
Intermediate Phase / Intermediêre Fase (Gr 4-6)
Home Language / Huistaal
First Additional Language / Eerste Addisionele Taal
Mathematics / Wiskunde
Natural Sciences and Technology / Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie
Social Sciences (Geography and History) / Sosiale Wetenskappe (Aardrykskunde en Geskiedenis)
Life Skills (Personal and Social Well-being ; Physical Education) / Lewensvaardighede (Persoonlike- en Sosiale Welstand; Liggaamlike Opvoeding)
Visual Arts (Art) / Visuele Kunste (Kuns)
Performing Arts (Music, Drama and Dance) / Uitvoerende Kunste (Musiek, Drama en Dans)
Senior Phase / Fase (Gr 7)
Home Language / Huistaal
First Additional Language / Eerste Addisionele Taal
Mathematics / Wiskunde
Natural Sciences / Natuurwetenskappe
Technology / Tegnologie
Social Sciences (Geography and History) / Sosiale Wetenskappe (Aardrykskunde en Geskiedenis)
Life Orientation (Personal and Social Well-being; Physical Education) / Lewensoriëntering (Persoonlike- en Sosiale Welstand; Liggaamlike Opvoeding)
CA: Visual Arts and Performing Arts
Economic and Management Sciences / Ekonomiese Bestuurswetenskappe
“Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way” – George Evans
Our SBST (School-based Support Team) consists of a group of highly qualified, dedicated, experienced and caring therapists. All the services provided by the SBST are an extension of the academic programme followed in class. They are also a safety net for those with emotional and social difficulties.
Extra lessons are offered to learners who experience difficulties in Maths, Home Language and First Additional Languages. During these lessons the work done in class is consolidated.
“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer….. because it teaches you to think.” – Steve Jobs
“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” – Bill Gates
The Gr 4-7 learners get the opportunity to visit our STEAM lab once a week. During these lessons Science, Technology, Economics and Mathematics are integrated with IT skills.
“Nothing beats an exciting hands-on experience to deepen learning. The magic of a field trip isn’t just the subject. It’s the break in routine and adventure that opens up children’s minds to new things” – Unknown
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page” – Augustine Hippo
Outings play a vital role in the school curriculum followed at Beaumont. Outings help our students to learn through authentic experience and it is an interesting way to explore new things for both the learners and teachers. Most importantly, field trips contribute greatly to build self-confidence and foster a sense of teamwork and community. The outings in each grade group fits in perfectly with the curriculum followed in class.
“There is no possible way a student can learn everything mentioned in a class without reinforcing the subject” – Lew Levine
- The writing down and the completion of homework is the learner’s responsibility.
- The amount of homework will vary daily, but we encourage learners to practise their times tables and reading every day.
- The amount of work a learner needs to complete at home should be an indication to parents of their child’s work ethic during lessons – a lot of homework constantly is cause for concern.
- Homework is generally not set over weekends, but learners might be required to obtain items necessary for projects / assignments being completed at school or they might need to do some additional research over weekends, on occasion.
“Together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
“A man’s feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.”- George Santayana
Beaumont has formed school partnerships with schools abroad to break down cultural barriers and to crush stereotypes. These partnerships allow our students to grow into self-aware, well-rounded individuals that will later forge successful careers and contribute positively to society.
Our international school partnerships help us to obtain new insight and stay abreast of teaching and learning methods around the world by looking outside of the pre-existing national curriculum structures and joining forces with other alternative perspectives.