Learner Support


At Beaumont Primary we have a team of committed professionals who work together with Class Teachers and parents to support learners in the mainstream.

Our Education Support Team consists of:

  • two permanent Remedial Teachers
  • two Audiblox Teachers
  • three private Speech/Language Therapists
  • two private Occupational Therapists
  • various private Educational and Counselling Psychologists
  • one Social worker therapist

Class Teachers consult with the Support Team when a child has been identified with scholastic, emotional, medical or behavioural barriers.
As a first level of support, Beaumont offers Extra Classes for learners of all grades who are falling behind in Language (English/Afrikaans Home Language and Afrikaans First Additional Language) and Mathematics.

These group classes are offered by Class Teachers. Maths enrichment classes are also offered to learners during school hours.

Audiblox is a programme designed to develop learners’ visual and auditory perceptual skills. The Audiblox Teachers present this year-long programme to all grade 1 learners and to Gr R (Afr) in terms 3 and 4.

The Remedial Teachers assess learners referred to them and also provide tuition to individuals and groups of learners with specific needs in Home Language and Mathematics.

When necessary, learners are referred to the Speech/Language Therapists and/or Occupational Therapists who offer support to learners mainly in the Foundation Phase. Speech/Language Therapists offer support for articulation, speech and language developmental problems. They also help children with verbal and written expressive language problems and those needing vocabulary expansion. Occupational Therapy focusses on the development of visual perceptual skills (important for reading, writing and mathematics), gross motor skills (promotes good posture and stamina) and fine motor skills (improves quality and speed of handwriting).

This multi-disciplinary team meets, when necessary, to discuss a particular learner’s progress.

We also make referrals to Educational and Counselling Psychologists to assess and counsel learners. In addition, they run various counselling groups for certain learners.


Beaumont considers the emotional well-being of our learners to be very important as it impacts heavily on their academic performance.

We offer the following support groups:

  1. Care & Share (Grades 1-3)
    • Children from divorced/separated families
  2. Grow & Glow (Grades 1-3)
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Friendship and resilience
    • Self-regulation
    • Anxiety management
    • Self esteem
  3. Strive & Thrive (Grades 4-7)
    • Anger management
    • Identifying emotions
    • Stress management
    • Problem solving (planning & decision making)
    • Social Skills
    • Social-Media / technology
    • Effective communication skills
  4. Care & Share (Grades 4-7)
    • Children from divorced/separated families
  5. The therapists also offer individual counselling and assessments, if necessary.